"贪婪的,渴求的,(尤指)贪吃的" 英语怎么说?

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"贪婪的,渴求的,(尤指)贪吃的" 英语怎么说?

The Economist June 18th 2022 Finance & economics


"贪婪的,渴求的,(尤指)贪吃的" 英语怎么说?

"贪婪的,渴求的,(尤指)贪吃的" 英语怎么说?

voracious adj. 贪婪的,饥渴的,渴求的,(尤指)贪吃的


He's a voracious reader of historical novels (= he reads a lot of them eagerly and quickly).他如饥似渴地阅读历史小说。


Meanwhile, calls to go green will only grow more urgent. Population growth and voracious demand for housing mean the size of the built environment is expanding at a faster rate than efforts to slash energy use. An explosion of new buildings in China, South-East Asia and Africa will continue to fuel construction. In these places, more than half of all buildings that will exist 30 years from now have not yet been built. If the world is to reach net-zero emissions, the construction sector will need to make enormous strides—and fast.



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